While our 24/7 world of connectivity does allow us to always stay up to date and contactable, our obsession with technology means we never really log off!
To enlighten us to a new relationship with technology, Congress London is excited to host Laura Willis who will take us through an interactive workshop on September 24th. Laura is the co-founder of Shine Offline, a digital wellbeing consultancy that helps businesses support their staff to have healthy, effective relationships with their smartphones and other devices.
Shine Offline's research has found that 87% of participants feel distractions from their digital technology negatively impact their ability to do a good job, while 78% agree that their inboxes and smartphones are causing them to be stressed and overwhelmed. As we become ever more reliant on digital technology in our professional and personal lives now is the time to improve digital cultures and ensure people’s lives are enhanced by the technology they use, inside work and out.
Buy your ticket HERE (Password: Shine)